Kalos Agathos ​Foundation
Do your part to help us build the future leaders of tomorrow, today! Support one of our ongoing projects related to the arts, athletics, or environmental awareness.Together, we can help make healthy minds and bodies for all. The KAF is a 501c3 organization incorporated in the state of California and fully compliant with all IRS regulations for tax-exempt organizations.
The Legacy of James Dilley​ - The foundation is excited to announce three new sculptural reliefs of James Dilley, founder of the Laguna Greenbelt. These include a smaller bronze relief of Dilley in profile by Laguna Beach artist Marvin Johnson to be gifted to the city of Laguna Beach in conjunction with the Laguna Greenbelt Organization and placed temporarily at the Susie Q community center; and a larger bronze relief of Dilley by Laguna Beach artist Bill Atkins in conjunction with the Laguna Greenbelt to be gifted to Orange County Parks and placed at the Nix Visitors Center in Laguna Beach, California.
Our goal is to pass on skills and experiences to future generations, and to help build the future leaders of tomorrow, today. If you would like to donate funds or your time and make a difference in the lives of young people, please contact us.
Pledge Today for a Greater Tomorrow