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LAGUNA GREEN BELT - The Legacy of James Dilley


The late James "Jim" Dilley founded Laguna Greenbelt, Inc. in 1968 to establish open space around the town of Laguna Beach. Along the way, its mission has evolved to advocacy for continued open space expansion. Today, six open space and wilderness parks make up 22,000 acres of protected land, almost four times the acreage Jim Dilley originally imagined.


Laguna Greenbelt has also supported securing funding for habitat restoration along local creeks, establishing the Coast to Cleveland Wildlife Corridor in Irvine, and enshrining Laguna Beach as a nationally recognized Historic American landmark by the National Park Service.


By LB Indy Staff

Canyon Club Laguna Beach
"Father of the Laguna Greenbelt"


Dilley was a friend of Bruce Hopping and many others who contributed to the Village that has become the City of Laguna Beach and helped protect both open space and the ocean, now a “marine preserve” along the coastline. 


The plaque project was initiated and funded by the Kalos Agathos Foundation as an honored wish of the late Bruce Hopping, longtime Laguna resident and admirer of Dilley and his efforts to preserve the open space surrounding Laguna Beach.

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